Bees invade a Restaurant.
On Wednesday morning, 27 January 2016, we responded to a call at a bakery and restaurant where the manager called in a frantic state telling us that her barman was working in a swarm of bees. We dispatched one of our bee keepers, who on arrival discovered that the bee hive was not in the restaurant itself but that the bees had been flying in and swarming around the barman as he was working with sweet drinks which were attracting the bees from an outside hive. When our bee keeper started to investigate a little further he found that there was not only one hive but three bee hives a short distance away from the restaurant.
One bee hive was in a wall pillar at a residential home across the road, the second hive in a tree a little further away and a third hive in a street pole two kilometers away.
We applaud our bee keeper for running around the streets to locate the three bee hives that have been invading the nearby restaurants.
Bees could make shopping unpleasant.
Commercial areas do not often attract bees but occasionally they will.
Commercial areas are usually all hustle and bustle and as such are not really inviting to the bees, however where there are people there will usually be food and drink, a lot of which will be sugary.This might be enough to convince the bees that the airconditioning duct is a perfect spot to build a hive or the quiet area behind the shopping centre dumpster might hold a certain allure.
It is best to keep your cleaning crew or the curious shoppers away from the area and call us to come and remove the bees from the premises.
Don't try to remove the bees on your own or let someone on the cleaning crew try to chase them with a mop. Save the cleaning up for after the bees have gone.
You run the risk of the bees swarming and possibly stinging people in the area.
You are better off having the bees removed by a professional team who have a number of years experience in removing bees from many different locations and positions and transporting them to a farm where they are able to go about the business of pollination and making honey unhindered.
for a bee removal call us now on: 082 561 0346