There have been reports of swarms of bees making use of industrial sites to establish a hive you will find these hives are usually in or around shipping containers or other seldom used equipment which is stored on the site. Occasionally a swarm may enter a factory and come to rest among the equipment, this is a rare occurrence.
Should this happen do not attempt to get rid of the bees yourself. There are your co-workers to consider, none of whom will be wearing the correct protective gear, and they may get stung. A man died after being stung nearly a thousand times by a swarm of bees that entered the Germiston factory where he worked, a friend tried to help him but he also got stung and needed medical treatment.
Rather call in the professionals with experience and right equipment to do the removal and keep yourself and your co-workes safe
Bees in industrial settings could also:
updated on 24 November 2014
for a bee removal call us now on: 082 561 0346