Why do bees prefer certain places to each other
Certain areas Johannesburg and Pretoria have shown a higher prevalence for bees and bee-hives in unwanted places. We have been in the business of removing bees for a few years now and when we go back on our records, we can see that certain areas and certain types of nest appear more often than others. It doesn't mean that bees won't build a hive in a different location, but it is an indicator of what bees prefer to do.
The places that are most prevalent on the list for bee removal requests are the older more established suburbs which generally mean a more established and a suburban infrastructure which will allow the bees access to water as needed.
When we mention suburban infrastructure in the context of bees it refers to homes with swimming pools and outdoor waters and possibly sprinkler systems. It also means that the city infrastructure may have aged to the degree where there are weak places and items such as lids and manhole covers may be missing allowing the bees access to these places to collect water or even to build a hive.
These suburbs will probably be populated by working people which means that the garden is not visited on a daily basis, leaving the bees in peace to build as they need to. A hive in a shed or other out building can be built without any interruptions.
The bees will build their hive quite quickly to begin with, the queen will need to start laying and be in a position where she is protected.

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Page last updated on 26 February 2015